Saturday, January 26, 2008

I like keeping track of dates, and I truly enjoy celebrating certain ones a lot. There are some dates that I do push back in my memory, but when the day comes, I seem to remember everything. Yesterday was our three-month anniversary. And to celebrate we went to dinner at Artegaia in Fiesole.

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Friday, January 25, 2008

Living in Florence :: Raoul Bova a Firenze

I'm not a huge Raoul Bova fan, but I have seen him in many films and a TV series and do like him as an actor. In all honesty, my favorite Italian actor is actually Silvio Muccino. A girlfriend of mine told me that Raoul Bova would be at the Edison libreria (bookstore) at 2 p.m. for the opening of his new movie, "Scusa ma ti chiamo amore." At first I wasn't able to go, but then I had to be in centro (downtown) around that time.

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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Living in Florence :: Fiera del cioccolato artigianale

Instead of being outside the centro (downtown area) like it was last year, the Fiera del cioccolato artigianale is being held in Piazza Santa Croce. Last year we had to buy tickets to enter and this year, it's free. Because of my limited amount of free time these days, I decided to swing by this evening before it ends on Sunday.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Living in Florence :: The sun is out!

It's been a few days that the sun has been hiding. So, this morning when I saw that the sun was out, I had to go outside as well. I had nothing specific planned, but I just wanted to go out into the sun. I walked out my front door and just headed for the Arno where I could see the sun shining brightly.

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Monday, January 21, 2008

It's Monday morning and Florence is waking up. I stand at my window and look out at the city. The sky is a dark grey, but is getting lighter by the minute. The muddy water in the Arno is gently swirling around as it inches by and moves toward the Ponte Vecchio.

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Saturday, January 19, 2008

After a brief visit at the Paperback Exchange on via delle Oche where I perused a few books that I have been wanting to buy, I walked down via dello Studio toward the Duomo. A crowd of young Japanese students walked toward me chatting gaily among themselves. I felt happy just to walk past them as I could feel their excitement ad possibly even wonder for my beloved city.

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My commercialista (public accountant) just emailed me to tell me that I have a Partita IVA (VAT account). Her email said, "Benvenuta tra i professionisti italiani! (Welcome among the Italian professionals!)" She also sent me a schema della fattura (invoice example) so that I would all the information that my fattura is supposed to contain.

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Monday, January 14, 2008

After days and days of continual rain with a few intermittent breaks, the water in the Arno river has risen. At night when there aren't many cars out, I can hear the light brownish green water as it crashes on the cement reef under the Ponte alle Grazie. The rain falling down light and then heavy from the light grey sky above only accentuates the luscious green hillside and bright yellow, beige, and white buildings across the river from me.

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

As the sun peeked through the persiane (shutters) this morning, I knew it was going to be a fabulous day. Sundays are always my favorites. It's the day I get to lounge around in my pajamas and sip my coffee while I write and read all morning long. It's also the day that I get to eat lunch with my suoceri (in-laws).

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Thursday, January 10, 2008

I'm sure I'm like everybody else that I saw this morning at the Questura (Police station): hopeful and yet not that excited to be there. I arrived at 8:30 a.m. after riding my bici (bike) there. It was cloudy and I just hoped it wouldn't rain on me because it's not a short ride back home afterwards. I stood outside with about thirty other people to get a number. We were slowly let into the entrance to talk to a poliziotto (police officer) to know which letter we were supposed to select from the machine to get the correct number for our situation.

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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I have been waiting for today with much impatience that I was eager to jump out of bed at 7 a.m. Ever since I made the appuntamento (appointment) a few weeks ago with the woman at the Ufficio della cittadinanza (citizenship office) of the Questura (police station), I've been wondering what the colloquio (interview/conversation) would be about. She told me that it was a formalità (formality), but I kept wondering if I could say something that would hurt my chances of getting my cittadinanza italiana.

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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

This morning I woke up to a beautiful sunny sky with mild temperatures, around 12°C (53°F). The past few days it has been cloudy and grey, so when the sun was shining brightly, I felt happier and couldn't wait to go outside. I walked to the mercato (market), chatted with my friends who work there, and bought some fresh vegetables, fruits, bread, and meat.

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Sunday, January 6, 2008

Today is the Epifania (Epiphany) and is mostly a holiday celebrated for for children who usually dress up in costumes, throw confetti, and either receive candy or carbone (coal) depending on whether they have been good or bad. In my Italian family, there aren't any young children, but it was just a good excuse to have a wonderful lunch together.

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Saturday, January 5, 2008

I've had my cellphone with TIM (Telecom Italia) for over three years. Last year, Alessandro and I decided on changing companies and we were told that we could keep our old numbers and transfer them to our new phones. It sounded simple enough, so we filled out the moduli (forms) back in June and waited for our phone numbers to be transferred. Alessandro waited only a few weeks and I am still waiting.

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Friday, January 4, 2008

Today I had my appointment with my new commercialista (public accountant). I was so impressed with her during our last meeting that I told her that I wanted to work with her and get my partita IVA (VAT account) right away at the beginning of the new year. The only catch is that I'm in limbo right now in Italy. My permesso di soggiorno (permit to stay) has expired and I'm waiting for my certificato di matrimonio (marriage certificate) to be translated and sent to the Comune (town hall). And, I filed for Italian citizenship through my nonni (grandparents) and I am waiting to hear back.

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