April showers brought glicine (wisteria), roses, and irises to Florence’s gardens. Every spring, I am drawn to visit the gardens to enjoy the colors and scents that fill the air. After traipsing around the roses, I always felt rejuvenated.
Giardino Bardini — April 14, 2024
While walking across Ponte alle Grazie, I gazed up at Giardino Bardini and picked up the pace. The sun highlighted the wisteria blossoms hanging over the pergola. I arrived at the garden’s entrance, where people were waiting in line outside.
Once I stepped foot on the gravel path, I hiked past many who were eager to see the wisteria. I passed by a handful of vibrant roses poking out from the leafy branches, knowing that I would return later.
I rounded the corner below an oak tree and inhaled Mother Nature’s sweet perfume. The pink and purple blossoms danced overhead, celebrating the true beginning of spring.
While those around me took selfies under the pergola, I enjoyed how the wisteria branches framed the Duomo. When the powerful gusts of wind subsided, I photographed the view.
Afterwards, I walked to the olive grove, where people sat on the grass. When Santa Croce’s bells chimed, I walked back to the exit. I admired and sniffed the roses along the wall below the fruit orchard. Their heavenly scent stayed with me as I returned to the bridge. When I looked back at the gardens, I smiled.
Giardino delle Rose — April 18, 2024
The blue sky was disappearing behind a thick blanket of dark clouds as I made my way to the Giardino delle Rose. I strolled through San Niccolò and hiked up Via del Monte alle Croci, bracing myself against gusts of chilly wind. After going up the stone steps, I rounded the corner past the first grassy area and paused to gaze at all the roses. I took in a deep breath and relaxed my shoulders.
I stepped onto the grass and circled the rose bushes, teeming with blooms. The chilly air carried a mix of scents: wet soil, grass, and roses. I approached many blossoms and sniffed inside their velvety petals. Each one was unique and delightful.
While standing next to the fountain, a bolt of lightning flashed behind the Duomo. A few moments later, when the thunder rumbled, people emerged and exited the gardens.
I continued to prance around the gardens as the storm was brewing. After spotting a hydrangea with clusters of white blossoms, I made a beeline for it. While taking a photo, its branch swayed and revealed the Duomo in the background.
Once large raindrops sprinkled around me, I wended my way to the exit. While rushing through San Niccolò, I kept my head down under my umbrella as hail bounced off the slick stones.
The rain curtailed by the time I reached my apartment. Even though I was drenched, I was happy to have enjoyed my time in the Giardino delle Rose today.
Via Tornabuoni — April 22, 2024
Enjoyed a stroll down via Tornabuoni after dinner last night. The cool air glided across my face as I reveled in the wide open road of closed high-end boutiques. A few listened to a street musician while others peered in the illuminated shop windows.
Lungarno Diaz — April 23, 2024
After the rain stopped, the sun illuminated Lungarno Diaz all the way to the Ponte Vecchio.
Giardino dell’Iris — April 26, 2024
A softness in the air greeted me as I exited my building. The smell of warm sunlight, swirling around me, filled me with optimism. While crossing Ponte alle Grazie, I unbuttoned my jacket and untied my scarf. The colors appeared softer as bubbly clouds drifted overhead.
My pace quickened on my way toward the Giardino delle Rose. The roses had multiplied after a visit to the garden a few days ago. The bushes flaunted clusters of yellow, fuchsia, pink, orange, white, and red roses.
I kept moving through the gardens to reach Piazzale Michelangiolo. Once I zigzagged through the crowds, I smiled at the Giardino dell’Iris’s open gate. A wave of tranquility mixed with excitement came over me. My highlight every spring is to admire the irises in the olive grove.
I wandered around the gardens, flitting from one vibrant iris to the next. Nothing compares to the vibrant blossoms atop long stalks that glisten in the sun and dance in the wind. My gaze hopped around the different areas to see how they soaked up the light and shared their sweet perfume.

After following the stone pathways up and down twice, I sat under a leafy tree. With every breath, I reveled in the sights and sounds of the garden, which revitalized me.
A dark cloud arriving prompted me to leave. On my walk toward the exit, I kept admiring the irises, but this time with a sense of calmness. No rush, just pleasure.
As I walked through the Giardino delle Rose, it sprinkled. When I reached Ponte alle Grazie, I paused to look back at Piazzale Michelangiolo and reminisced about my visit to the Giardino dell’Iris.
Giardino delle Rose — April 28, 2024
While strolling down Lungarno Cellini, delicate raindrops pattered against my umbrella. Upon reaching the Rampe del Poggi, I hiked up the incline and followed the road to the Giardino delle Rose. The day before, I only glanced at the rose on my way to the Giardino dell’Iris.
The scent of wet stones and asphalt filled the air. I stepped on the stone slabs, where bright green blades of grass encircled them, and hopped onto the lawn to relish the cornucopia of roses. Every time I would approach one rose bush, another one would catch my eye. However, when I honed in on a single rose, I gave it my full attention, admiring its velvety petals were dotted with rain while other buds embraced it. While my nose was almost touching it. I had to close my eyes while inhaling it to smell its perfume.
For a few moments, I stood alone in the center of the grassy area. Just me and the roses. It felt like a dream to be amid so many roses in full bloom while the Duomo dominated the cityscape just beyond the garden’s walls.
As I continued my visit, I spotted these three pink roses pointing toward the sky. I savored many more roses, but my gaze kept returning to them. I stood in front of them and took their photo. Even though the skies were gray, their color appeared even more vibrant.
A large group entered the garden and dispersed around the grounds right after the church bells chimed twice. Many followed the paths, but only a few ventured onto the grass.
Before walking toward the exit, I took in a deep breath and held it in my chest. As my heart beat, I surveyed the entire garden. As I walked down the path toward the iron gate, I exhaled.
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