Between bouts of rain and clear skies, I enjoyed strolling around Florence to experience her charm from every angle.
Ponte Santa Trinita — November 18, 2024
From Lungarno degli Archibusieri to Lungarno degli Acciaiuoli, I made my way to the Ponte Santa Trinita. After the rain from last night and this morning, the streets and sidewalks were still damp. I had to watch my step because of the shallow puddles between the stone slabs. Some people sat on café terraces, absorbing the peaceful atmosphere.
With every step alongside the red brick wall, I breathed in the Arno’s fresh scent. The skies were a blanket of gray. A thick fog separated Florence from its outskirts. The trees in Le Cascine appeared like dark shadows at the horizon. The Pistoia Mountains were hidden by the fog.
As the clouds drifted north, the skies continued to darken. A steady breeze graced the water and rose over the bridge. The air was soft and misty. Initially, a pleasure on my face until my skin became numb.
At one point, the skies above Santo Spirito became a pale apricot color. With my legs leaning against the stone barrier, I hoped that the sun would transmit her color even more.
When the lampioni (streetlamps) flickered on, their lights shimmered on the placid water.
I wanted to wait for the blue hour, which was only a few minutes away, but the air became icy. I tried to keep warm by digging my hands deep into my pockets. A few minutes later, I stood up and swiftly walked home.
Lungarno Anna Maria Luisa dei Medici — November 21, 2024
After passing the Museo Galileo, I stopped on Lungarno Anna Maria Luisa dei Medici alongside the Uffizi. Visitors were meandering around the city, taking in the sights, popping into shops, and visiting the museums.
I waited for a couple to take a selfie before approaching the low barrier. I leaned on the cement slab and relished the view of the Ponte Vecchio. The red leaves enlivened the serene vista while the Arno was so still that it reflected the riverscape.
The mellow air, smelling of grass and river water, invigorated me even though its coolness relaxed me. Tourists showed up to take photos of themselves in front of this unique backdrop. The gray skies made all the colors, especially the pale ones, appear vibrant.
I continued down Lungarno degli Archibusieri to reach Ponte Santa Trinita. The denseness of the crowds lessened the farther I went away from Ponte Vecchio.
Giardino delle Rose — November 28, 2024
Under clear skies, the sun emanated its light to warm up the cool air. I marched straight up the incline after passing through the Porta San Miniato. With the Scalinata del Monte alle Croci (flight of steps leading up to Viale Galileo) still under construction, I slipped through the stone opening to reach the Giardino delle Rose.
Visitors found sunny spots as much of the garden was shaded. The lawn was muddy, but I still tiptoed through them with my white sneakers. I headed toward the open roses whose colors ranged from white to pink and red.
The scent of damp grass and wet stones trickled in with every breath. To smell a rose blossom, I had to dip my nose inside it. Each one unique, each one a delight for my senses.
As the sun lowered, its light became soft and golden, caressing everything with love. I exited the garden to reach Piazzale Michelangiolo, but changed my mind when I saw the crowded terrace.
I walked down the steps to the Fontana delle Rampe dei Poggi and returned to the Rose Garden. I let the roses lead the way. Once again, I traipsed through the grassy areas and paused after spotting a pink rose offering its love to Florence.
With only a sliver of sunlight streaming through the cypresses, I headed out. There was a chill in the air that made its presence known while I traversed Ponte alle Grazie.
Piazza San Giovanni — December 5, 2024
After sunset, the temperatures dropped, and the wind kicked up. I passed the closed shops to reach the Duomo. Via de’ Cerretani ended with a glimpse of the cathedral.
Once I rounded the corner, I took in a deep breath as if I were trying to take in the entire Piazza di San Giovanni. The Battistero and the Duomo were both glowing as the unlit Christmas tree stood alone.
The rain had stopped a couple of hours earlier, but the slick stone slabs reflected the surrounding lights.
When I reached the other side of the Baptistery, I paused. I hadn’t been here in the evening for some time, especially with so few people out and about. After taking a photo, I headed down Via Calzaiuoli, where the holiday lights were setting the street aglow.
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