I never realized how long the month of August could be. Many of my friends, like Simone, have still not returned and a few shops and restaurants have still not reopened. After the ferragosto (August 15th), I thought that the city would quickly come back alive, but it hasn't yet. The last of the holiday-makers should be returning this Saturday and Florence will be back to normal.
I always get excited about September, even more so than January. September feels like the real beginning of the year: school starts (but not until September 11th for most), movie theaters open back up, bars and restaurants reopen, and many classes and events begin. The entire city seems to come back to life from one day to the next.
Today I bought Firenze Spettacolo to see what's happening in September. I was surprised to read about all the upcoming events. I even found out that a popular sushi restaurant located in Sesto-Fiorentino, called Oh Sushi, is opening another restaurant on via de' Benci, which is off of Piazza Santa Croce and a stone's throw from our place.
Tomorrow is the first of September, but nothing will begin until after Monday, so I have to be patient.
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