This morning we woke up to the sound of the Santissima Annunziata church bells. I stood out on our terrazza (terrace) and looked out at the piazza below, which was incredibly quiet: I saw only two people walking around the piazza. It was beautiful and sunny outside, and the temperatures were even a little warmer.
We were planning on going in centro (downtown), which just means somewhere closer to the Duomo, Piazza della Repubblica, and Piazza della Signoria, but we ended up staying home, eating avanzi (leftovers), and recuperating.
Because la vigilia di Natale (Christmas Eve) was on a Sunday, we haven't received any mail since Saturday. And now that it's Monday, there's no mail today either. And because tomorrow is la festa di Santo Stefano (St. Stephen's day), we won't be getting mail on Tuesday. So, we're hoping that our Christmas presents arrive during the latter half of the week. Of course, we can't go shopping until Wednesday either.
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