The weather these past few days has been on the cold side and a little rainy; nothing like last year. After initially planning to have another aperitivo (appetizer party) at our place tonight, we decided to not have anyone over. We opted for a quiet capodanno (New Year's celebration) instead.
As of this morning, a few of my friends were still looking for a restaurant to go to, but everything seems to be completo (full). This is probably the one time that most people really do plan in advance. I have a few friends who were planning on attending a cenone (New Year's dinner) at a locale (place) in the city, but the price was about 100 Euros a person. That included a full dinner and then spumante (sparkling wine) and Panettone at midnight.
I had heard of a few interesting events, like at the mercato di Sant'Ambrogio there will be pesce fritto e baccalà (fried fish and stockfish) for everyone. The surprising part of the event is that it is ingresso gratuito (free entrance).
We've been hearing petardi (firecrackers) going off for days now and just now a big one went off in the piazza below and triggered a car alarm. We'll be looking at the fuochi d'artificio (fireworks) around the city from our terrazza (terrace) with spumante in hand. I don't know where they will be exactly, but I'm hoping we'll have a good view of them.
Buona fine e buon principio a tutti! (Happy ending and a happy beginning to you all!)
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