I have finally scheduled my trasloco (move) for Sunday morning. I wanted to pick a time when the city is rather quiet and still cool. Although I realize that 8AM is a bit early to be ready for such a big change in my life. And, if the past few morning appointments are any indication, they will probably arrive earlier than 8AM, so I'll have to be ready for them by 7:30AM.
I went back to my new apartment the other day with my computer to check the speed of my Internet connection. It ended up that it's the same as what I have at home: about 1350Kbps for download and 600Kbps for upload. It doesn't sound that fast, but it works for me. They advertise that the speed is up to 6MB in my current place, but it's the same speed as my 2MB Internet connection in my new place.
The man who drives the taxi merci (taxi that moves large and cumbersome quantities of items) came over yesterday to drop off some more scattole (boxes). I haven't even started packing the 10 he left me the last time, but I'm afraid that I'll need more. I'd rather be safe than sorry.
Besides my imminent trasloco, my brother and his family are in town this week, I have two work projects to finish up before the end of the week, I've been asked to provide at least four quotes on new projects this week, and a few people are in town this week that I want to make time to see.
With my lists and lists of things to do this week, I'm hoping to just make it to Monday in one piece. Of course, I'll have to probably go to IKEA to pick up some things for the new place and clean up my old place as well before Wednesday, so I hope to make it to next Saturday unscathed. I'm looking forward to just settling into my new place.
I read in my horoscope today that July will be a month to forget and August will be much, much better. July hasn't been all bad, but I find myself counting the days for it to end. The one thing I get to look forward to in August is the tying up a lot of loose ends and the beginning of a new life for myself.
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