I know some people don't like Mondays because they are the beginning of the week. And after a nice weekend, it can sometimes be difficult to start up on Monday. Unfortunately (or fortunately) with my work, everyday is a workday, so Monday is no different from any other day. I absolutely love Mondays in Florence though. Most mornings during the week are wonderful if you walk around downtown or go shopping, but Monday mornings are the best. The downside is that all the museums are closed and many of the shops don't open until the afternoon on Mondays, but the upside is that the streets are quieter and there are fewer people milling around downtown.
Before lunch today, I ran a few commissioni (errands) near Piazza Repubblica. I walked down via dei Neri and past the Uffizi where there was only one small group of tourists. For the first time in a long time, I didn't have to struggle through Piazza della Signoria to get to via Calzaiuoli.
I went into the posta (post office) and was able to quickly send off a pacco (package) to the US. Then, I went into a shop to exchange a shirt that I bought for Alessandro's friend, and within a few minutes I was done.
I had some time to spare, so on my way back home I walked around to see some of the shop windows even though they were closed. The streets were virtually empty and it was so pleasant to walk around in the centro (center) without all the hustle-bustle.
When I walked past Palazzo Vecchio, I looked up to see the Duomo. I had wanted to take a picture from this angle before, but today the light was good, the sky was clear, and the piazza was virtually empty.
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