Today I had my appointment with my new commercialista (public accountant). I was so impressed with her during our last meeting that I told her that I wanted to work with her and get my partita IVA (VAT account) right away at the beginning of the new year. The only catch is that I'm in limbo right now in Italy. My permesso di soggiorno (permit to stay) has expired and I'm waiting for my certificato di matrimonio (marriage certificate) to be translated and sent to the Comune (town hall). And, I filed for Italian citizenship through my nonni (grandparents) and I am waiting to hear back.
I walked to the office of my new commercialista along with another friend, Sarah, who also wanted to open her partita IVA this year.
We sat across from the commercialista as she explained the new regime (regime/system) for new businesses, which you can read about here in their PDF.
We were both so excited about the new regime because it made so many things simpler and easier that we filled out all of our paperwork with the commercialista.
Within a half an hour we had filled out everything and signed one last document for INPS, which is the Istituto Nazionale Previdenza Sociale and is similar to the American Social Security system. The commercialista said that she would email us when we have our partita IVA and will also send us an example fattura (invoice) so we know what we have to write on it for our future clients.
I'm eager to hear back from the commercialista because of my current situation where I'm here legally, but not officially.
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