I've been told that I'm quite American because I wash my hair every day. My parucchiere (hair dresser), Simone, tells me over and over again how it's not good for my hair, but I can't help it. It's one of those habits I can't seem to break. I talked with my Italian amiche (girlfriends) and found out that they go regularly to the parucchiere to farsi la piega (get their hair styled), so today I thought I'd indulge myself by going to the parucchiere just to farmi la piega (get my hair styled).
I generally go to the parucchiere to get my hair cut, but I admit that I love the way they style it each time and wish that I could style my hair as well as they do it. I always try to plan my appointments before outings so my hair looks good.
I do know that some older women, like my suocera (mother-in-law), go to the parucchiere to farsi la piega quite often, but I didn't know that my younger amiche went as well.
When I arrived at my parucchiere today, I noticed how many women were there for the same reason. Only a few were getting their hair colored or cut. I watched as the parucchiere styled their hair according to their wishes: lisci (straight) or ondolati (wavy).
When it was my turn, a different parucchiere washed my hair twice and massaged my scalp for a few minutes. When I opened my eyes after he put a towel on my head, he said, "Hai dormito bene? Did you sleep well?"
I arrived in the chair where my parucchiere asked me what I wanted. "Li voglio ondolati oggi. I want them wavy today." I usually always want my hair lisci, but since the last time when he cut my hair, I've been wanting them ondolati.
When I walked out of the parucchiere, I felt like a new woman. My curls bounced as I walked and everyone I saw who knew me commented on my capelli (hair). All I could think was that maybe this Italian habit is worth adopting. I'll still wash my capelli every day, but going to the parucchiere for a pettinatura (hairstyle) is a pleasurable perk.
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