Love is not something I place in my pocket and forget about. Love is a feeling I cultivate, enjoy, give, receive, share, and appreciate. That’s why I don’t sit back and wait for my beloved city to please me. I seek Florence’s beauty everywhere, praise it and appreciate it. Last night as the sun was setting, I felt a great desire to go out and take some pictures. With my new obiettivo (lens), I hadn’t tried to take any night shots. The light outside looked so delightful that I couldn’t wait to get out.
I had emails to respond to and work to do, but I grabbed my macchina fotgrafica (camera) and ran outside to the Ponte alle Grazie. Sunsets only last for so long; each moment is precious. I love to see the lights shimmering on the Arno, the ripples on the water, and the illuminated Ponte Vecchio, dominating the view.
After I took a few foto (photos), I stood on the ponte (bridge) and admired my beloved city. Its charm captures my heart again and again. Not just because it’s so pleasing to the eye, but because it has a beauty that is magical and rich.
Many people notice the imperfections, like the graffiti on the walls of the Arno, the cracking paint on the buildings, or the murky water. I look past those shortcomings to see the magnificence of my beloved city.
I’m fortunate to l live in a city that I am absolutely crazy about. But I am even more fortunate to be able to appreciate its beauty. I choose to keep my love alive for Florence because it continually fills me with joy. My relationship with my beloved city is one of my most enriching, enjoyable, and important relationships I’ve experienced. And for that I am truly blessed.
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