Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Living in Florence :: Savoring the sights, smells, and sounds of Florence

Florence emanates her energy, encouraging nature to reach its pinnacle and inspiring us to do the same. I indulged in many moments, especially an evening stroll along Via Romana, a hike up to Piazzale Michelangiolo, a saunter through the Giardino dell’Iris and the Giardino delle Rose.

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Thursday, April 27, 2023

Living in Florence :: A cupola to celebrate a vista

No matter where I go, I appreciate spotting a cupola. In these last few weeks, I caught an enchanting sunset behind San Frediano in Cestello and glimpsed the Duomo at the end of a street, through the branches of a Judas tree, and from above near Piazzale Michelangiolo. 

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Sunday, April 2, 2023

Living in Florence :: Appreciating Florence every day

For the past few weeks, spring has dropped more hints of its arrival. I delighted in many special moments: catching a sunrise in Piazza San Giovanni, paying homage to Anna Maria Luisa de’ Medici in Palazzo Vecchio, relishing the panorama from San Miniato al Monte, and enjoying a stroll around Giardino Bardini.

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Friday, February 24, 2023

Living in Florence :: Hints of an early spring

As January ended and February began, I experienced hints of an early spring in Florence. A rainbow from the terrace of Giardino Bardini, a sunset that hinted at warmer days to come, a golden glow behind San Frediano in Cestello, and a brilliant moon reigning the blue skies above Ponte Vecchio. These moments are memories I create in my Florentine life. Not occasions to glance at, snap a photo of, and walk away from, but to breathe in, enjoy, appreciate, and share. 

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Saturday, January 28, 2023

Living in Florence :: Capturing the extraordinary moments

The year began with unpredictable weather: from clear blue skies to rain and from mild temperatures to colder ones. The streets filled up for the weekend and emptied during the week. Florence held me in her embrace and presented me with extraordinary moments that I captured in my heart.

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Monday, January 9, 2023

Living in Florence :: Delighting in the festivities

The end of the year included heavy rains that swelled up the Arno and milder temperatures. Streets and piazzas were crowded with locals and out-of-towners. The holiday lights brightened up the centro storico. Florence’s festive mood invited us to partake either alone or in the company of others.

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Friday, December 23, 2022

Living in Florence :: December days in Florence

The shorter days inspired me to wake up when the skies were still dark. I wanted to have the time to stroll around town and visit the gardens. In the early afternoons, I could watch the sunset and even catch the blue hour. My favorite moments always happen spontaneously. Every time I head in one direction, I'm always guided to a scene that captivates me.

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Sunday, November 27, 2022

Living in Florence :: Happening upon beauty

When I stroll around Florence, I love it when something attracts my attention. Sometimes it’s a sunlit loggia, the city at a distance on a foggy day, the Basilica di Santa Croce under royal blue skies, or the Arno reflecting the riverscape. It’s unnecessary to seek beauty in Florence since it is everywhere. 

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Sunday, October 23, 2022

Living in Florence :: Infusing life into every moment

While going about my day, I often stop to bask in a moment. Sometimes it’s the way the bridge’s shadow decorates the river, how the sun explodes an array of colors in the sky, the lush greenery adding its touch to the panorama, and the Duomo illuminating the view during a walk in the gardens.

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Thursday, September 22, 2022

Living in Florence :: Reveling in the change of seasons

As Autumn approaches, the days are becoming shorter and the evenings chillier. In the past few weeks, I experienced many magical moments while strolling along the Arno, watching the sunset, sitting in the Rose Garden, and walking down Via dell’Oriuolo. When I was inspired, I paused to bask in my surroundings to soak up the details and savor them.

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Monday, August 29, 2022

Living in Florence :: Taking a moment to savor Florence

A noticeable lull settled in at the beginning of August as many locals journeyed to the seaside or the mountains. Early mornings were so quiet that I was slow to start my day. As the day progressed, more and more out-of-town visitors and sightseers milled around the streets and piazzas. Further away from the Ponte Vecchio and the Duomo, the city kept its relaxing vibe. Before lunch, I went for walks in nature. The fragrant breeze filled with mellifluous birdsongs pacified me as I admired my beloved city from afar.

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Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Living in Florence :: Delighting in the long summer days

The days stretch out in July, allowing us to slow down and bask in the sun. The sun heats the stones of the buildings and the streets, making the air so heavy that we all seek a bit of respite. Pedestrians seek the shady streets or at least thin strips of shade to continue strolling around town. Nature continues to thrive in the gardens and delights us always at sunset.

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Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Living in Florence :: Finding solace in Florence’s embrace

As temperatures soared and more visitors arrived this month, I found solace in Florence’s embrace. In these anecdotes, I navigated down shaded streets and into wide piazzas, basked in the cool air flowing over the Arno at sunset, and settled under the pergola surrounded by leafy wisteria vines.

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Friday, June 3, 2022

Living in Florence :: Capturing moments of serenity

In April, the pace in Florence was peppy. Tourists zipped around town, wide smiles on their faces, basking in the mild temperatures. Now that the air is heavy with languor, school kids, cruise ship passengers, small families, and groups of friends stagger through piazzas and down narrow streets. They take breaks to drink cold beverages that they sometimes splash on themselves to cool off.

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Sunday, May 8, 2022

Living in Florence :: Springtime is for gardens

When Florence is abloom, the air is infused with joy. I was drawn to visit Giardino Bardini, Giardino dell’Iris, and Giardino delle rose. I strolled through multiple times, even more than I wrote about, not wanting to miss any of Mother Nature’s gifts that come to life. Through intermittent rain, all of nature thrives: trees and bushes sprout new leaves, flowers develop buds, and grass grows taller. When the sun returns, everything reaches up to greet her as robins, blue tits, and blackbirds sing from the cypresses.

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