We went to our friend Stef's dance recital at Stazione Leopolda last night; her last one in Italy before she heads back to New York this month. Once we were let out of the curtained area where the performance took place, people just came pouring into this renovated train station. I forgot how many people go out on a Saturday night to night clubs, bars, and discos. And Stazione Leopolda is all three on Friday and Saturday nights.
When I say that a lot of people came in, I'm not talking about 40 or 50. I'm talking about hundreds. There's an inside bar, where no smoking is allowed, and an outside bar for those who want to smoke. People were sitting on wood crates, which were a part of the decoration and watching a wall of monitors showing visual arts in the back.
The techno music was blasting while they were preparing the dance floor. We got drinks from the bar (scontrino first, which meant we had to pay before we ordered) and watched as people of all ages entered, from teenagers to 50-year-olds. We got outside at midnight as people were just arriving. The traffic in front was crazy: there's no place to park nearby, so people get dropped off in front. Many people, of course, arrive on scooters or bicycles since it's easier to get around and eventually park.
We thought of taking a bus home, but instead opted to walk home. We got home a little before 1AM and as we walked by restaurants and bars, we noticed that they were all filled up.
We got home tired and realized that as we entered our door, a lot of others were just walking out theirs for a great night out.
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