Every day this week, I went out shopping for food and other items at the negozi (shops) I go to around town. After living in Florence for the last eight years, I have come to know a few of them quite well. Shopping and chatting with each one is one of my favorite pastimes when I’m in Florence. I a so happy to see them and it brightens my day when they are happy to see me too.
A few of them know that I have separated and am getting a divorce, but I don’t divulge everything about myself. I told one of the merchants this week and his response was, “Ma stai scherzando (Are you kidding)? ” When I explained that I wasn’t, he felt bad for me. “Ma But, “he said, “non ti manca nulla (You’re not missing anything).” I couldn’t help but smile. I hadn’t thought that there might be something wrong with me that I couldn’t find another love.
In another shop today, the guy said to me, “Ho sentito e mi dispiace I heard and I’m sorry.” We talked a little bit about it and, of course, as with most people he said, “Sembravate felici insieme (You looked happy together).” I didn’t really want to go into much details, but I just told him that it’s not obvious what goes on in a couple.
Talking to the shopkeepers always makes me feel so welcome in Florence. I love that I get to talk with people in all of the shops I go to. It's a joy for me to converse with them about anything and everything. I get a sense of being home just because people notice when I'm there and when I'm not, and are interested in what is going on with me.
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