It dawned on me today that I’ve been focusing on the wrong things. I’ve bee absorbed with the noisy traffic below our apartment windows and the small space we live in, but I completely forgot out about how wonderful our apartment is. It’s a true chicca (gem).
When I got back from my run this morning, I looked out our windows and was so touched by the veduta (view) of the Arno. It truly is spectacular. Not many people enjoy such a wonderful veduta every day. And, I’m even more fortunate because from my desk, I can look out the window and take it in. It’s probably one of the greatest gifts I get to have any time of the day or night.
I’m happiest when I focus on all the fantastic aspects of our apartment. Sure, it’s noisy with motorini (scooters), macchine (cars), autobus (buses), and sometimes ambulanze (ambulances), but they are all a part of life in a city. There are many people who are protesting the new changes to our area, so maybe there is a chance that things will improve.
In the meantime, I’m not focusing on any of the things that could get me down. I’m peering out the window now and smiling at the green hillside, the tall trees, a piece of the city mura (wall), the warm yellow building on the corner, the street lamps lined up above the brick wall, the Arno shimmering, and a man in a canoe going toward the Ponte Vecchio. Life is truly beautiful and joy is always within reach.
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